Wills and Estate Planning

woman writing using pen

......A plan for the future is a plan in the right direction.

Estate planning includes and provides a group of documents or plan of action for your properties and assets that may be effected in a case where you are alive but incapacitated or when you are no more. This may include the preservation, management and distribution of one’s properties or instructions that cover or are binding on anything including loved ones that may be taken care of as it concerns the individual.

Even though life can be unpredictable, it should not be left to chance. This is why people prepare for eventualities. We buy health insurances not because we are expecting health issues but just to be prepared in the event that we become sick. We insure our cars not because we want accidents but because accidents can just happen unexpectedly. Important events that could be life transforming should not also be neglected and most certainly not our will. The importance of planning your will and estate can never be over emphasized. It is therefore only thoughtful to be fully prepared at ensuring that everything you will leave behind is not left in chaos or illicitly squandered but properly executed for the benefit of the right people – your right people. This is why wills and estate planning are very important for any individual. Many individuals have left loved ones in precarious positions because there was a lack of adequate planning to this end and it eventually backfires. Preparing a document gives you the opportunity to in your own terms and words explain and dictate how much you care about your loved ones and how you have chosen to express it to all parties to prevent future squabbles. With a will, power of attorney or trust, you can decide who gets what belongs to you, when they can get it, what you want to be done with it, who takes care and provides for your loved ones in the case of incapacitation or even when you are no longer there. It’s like writing your story for tomorrow, whether or not you will be around, thereby taking the burden off your family and the hassle it may cause them. We want to walk you through the process today, so you can save your family the stress of uncertainty tomorrow.

Our Areas of Wills and Estate
  • Will drafting and review

  • Power of Attorney for Property

  • Power of Attorney for Health

  • Estate Litigation

  • Trusts

To help you take care of your loved ones tomorrow, let us handle the legalities today. Book a consultation, let’s put you through the seamless and easy process in a few quick and easy steps.